U.F.O. Sightings - Queensland.

018 1953 Mackay QLD DD

Captain B. L. Jones is reported to have seen an object over Mackay. His report was confirmed by observers at the Mackay control tower. All described the object as having a transparent "glass dome." (Melbourne "Sun". Jan 5 1954.)

019 21 Jan 1953 Graceville QLD CE1 Schnitzerling

Two men reported being followed by a bright light a metre in diameter which was accompanied by a smaller dullish red one. As their truck approached the light, the light shot up into the air, circled, then followed them. When the men stopped, the object landed 60m away, but they did not investigate further. (Hervey, M. (1969). "UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere" (UFOSH). Sydney. Horwitz. p96.)

022 Oct 1953 North QLD Photo

Mr W C Hall photographed a dense looking tropical hat shaped UFO of circular form with a prominent dome on top as it hovered over a herd of sheep. ( Sir magazine Feb 55.)

033 Oct(?) 1954(?) North QLD Hall CE3

A Mr Hall was inspecting sheep when he heard a whirring noise. He then saw six tiny white dots in the sky which landed. Close up they were 10m tall cylinders with a rim or ramp around their bottom. About a dozen "men" got out and formed a group. They then re-entered the objects and took off. Mr Hall reportedly blacked out and had a vision of his property as a "fertile paradise." He says within two months this had occurred. ("Sunday Telegraph" Undated quoting "Sir" magazine of Jan 23 1955.)

038 Late 1956 Near Hughenden QLD CE4

A 12 year old girl, Miss L. was crossing a paddock on the family farm when she felt a strange force upon her, and heard a soft hum. She felt as if she was being lifted off the ground and fainted. She awoke to find herself in a strange, large room with two men in silver white ski-suits. There was no attempted communication by the men. After surveying the room, which featured a coloured galaxy display on one wall, the girl felt enormous pressure and again lost consciousness. The room was not furnished. She noted an arched doorway leading into a corridor; that there were porthole-like windows along one wall; and that the room had no joins or seams. She found herself back at the farm, but in a different paddock, with a huge saucer shaped object hovering above her before it subsequently ascended rapidly to the west. The girl determined that two hours had elapsed since she initially lost consciousness. (1. Chalker, Bill. (1989). "Abducted?". Australian Penthouse. Nov. p 37. 2. Victorian UFO Research Society.)

039 24 Sep 1956 Crows Nest QLD CE1 0800hrs Barnes

A silver-grey 'bullet' was noted descending to the ground, by a woman. It then flew slowly up the slope of her drive at a 3m altitude. The object appeared to be solid and had no wings or landing gear. Size was put at 6m long. It had a "cabin", and an attachment at the rear. (UFORQLD.)

045 17 May 1959 Cooktown QLD CE2 0430hrs

Three men out crocodile hunting saw a huge circular object at tree top height some 100m away. Estimated as 50m across, it was football shaped with a band of half moon shaped windows. Two of the men stood up to observe it during the twenty minute observation. One allegedly suffered severe physical effects and another is said to have died. (Bill Chalker.)

048 Sep 1959 Euramo QLD CE1 Mencel

Max Mencel, reported that whilst driving a tractor he saw a brilliant, large, conical object approximately 10m long, hovering just above the cane tops. Its vivid red colour and orange coloured lights illuminated a nearby house. (UFOSH p101)

062 1964 onwards QLD CE4

A married, 29 year old, female social welfare student, recalled four specific episodes.

1. At age 3 1/2 she was in her cot and woke to find the room "filled with people looking like doctors," 10-12 of them. At this stage she shared a room with her mother and believe they examined both herself and her mother. The beings each had a glow of light around them, and for some reason she had a feeling of closeness to 2 of them. They felt female. This episode was recollected, when she later, for the first time saw a magazine picture of an operation.

2. At age 19 she recalls being taken from bed and floated out of the window up to a "spaceship," which had been hovering over the house.

3. At age 20 she was "floated' out of the back door, on a bright moon-lit night. She can recall the wind in her hair, and being floated back the same way.

4. At age 28 a further incident occurred. No known details have been documented. (UFORA90046. Bill Chalker.)

070 24 May 1965 Eton Ridge QLD CE2 0005hrs Tilse/Burgess/Judin (21.16, 148.59)

Three men noted a strange luminous "machine" resting near the ground some 500m away. It was a black disc with banks of brilliant lights underneath it, hovering over trees, at 70m above the ground. It seemed to measure 7-10m across and only 23cm thick, with a 4.6m high under structure. An area of the ground was illuminated by it. The object then approached and stopped, after which it retreated and approached twice more before finally leaving at high speed. Upon its departure two of the witnesses, Burgess and Judin said they heard a buzz or low pitched hissing noise. Tilse inspected the area next day saying he found a circular impression. Tops of nearby trees were said to have shown signs of burning. Details of the mark are attributed to the local police: "The impression was a perfect circle with a radius of twenty feet, it consisted of flattened grass, but not burned; the centre was untouched. A distinct belt or ring, three feet two inches wide of less flattened grass encircled the area making the total diameter of the impression twenty six feet four inches." Constable B. Self of the Nebo police confirmed scorching of the treetops and on a section of nearby grass. (AFSR(NSW). No 9. p12. Nov 1966. "Australian Flying Saucer Digest" (AFSD). Jul-Sep 1965. UFOSH. pp111-113. FSR 11/5/13-14.)

078 19 Jan 1966 Euramo QLD CE2/FSA (18:00, 145:56)

George Pedley was driving a tractor on a cane farm when he saw a saucer shaped object rise out of a swamp and depart into the sky. Then he found a perfectly circular, 9.1m diameter, flattened swirled area of reeds floating on top of 1.3m of water. The reeds were swirled clockwise. A search later found 2 more "nests", a mere 8m from the original, size 3m diameter. One was swirled clockwise, the other anti-clockwise. (UFORQLD. "Sun Herald" 23/1/66. Australian Flying Saucer Review (UFOIC) No 9. AFSR(VUFORS) No 5. UFOSH p110-11&115.)

080 26 Jan 1966 Tully QLD "nests" (17:56, 145:56)

2 "nests" were found, 3.65m and 2.43m in diameter, swirled anti-clockwise. (Phillips Trace cat no 224.AFSR(UFOIC) NO 9.)

081 End Jan 1966 Euramo QLD "nest" (18:00, 145:56)

A new "nest" was found adjacent to the original one of 19 Jan. Swirled anti-clockwise. No dimensions given. (AFSR(UFOIC) NO 9.)

084 Feb/Mar 1966 Toorbul Point QLD CE1 2115hrs Doo

A television set "went on the blink" as a very bright light approached, hovered and then returned in the direction from whence it came. It was oblong, 20m long, and was seen from a distance of 100m at the closest. Mangrove swamps over which it moved were reported to have been shrivelled and scorched. (UFORQLD. UFOSH p117.)

089 25 Apr 1966 Cairns QLD FA (16:55, 145:46)

A group of children discovered an oval shaped depression in sugar cane, size 21m by 9.1m. The cane within the oval showed no signs of having been trampled, neither were there any trails to or from the flattened area. (FSR 15(3):4. UFOSH p 120.)

093 Nov 1966 Brisbane QLD FSA (27:28, 153:01)

After hearing an unusual noise during the night a couple found a trace on an adjacent block. The previously 1m high grass over the whole centre of the block had been flattened and splayed out in a circle like a pack of cards. (UFORA files)

101 Nov 1967 St George Mitchell QLD CE1 2030hrs Morris/Linden

Two people were driving along when they saw an object 4m high by 5m long, hovering just off the ground in a nearby paddock. There was a doorway in front and a foldup hatchway which led to the ground.. It was firstly a green/blue colour, then changed to a silver colour. As they drove close, it took off. (UFOSH p120)

102 4 Nov 1967 Brisbane QLD Photo

A Mr J Wallace was taking pictures of his girlfriend in a garden when an object appeared. He claimed he took 8 pictures. Investigation by UFOR(Qld) cast doubt on the authenticity of the photographs and it is believed they were a hoax. (UFORQLD. UFOSH p 120.)

105 1968 Cairns QLD Photo

Someone on an aircraft flying from Cairns to Iron Range is said to have taken a movie film of an object pacing the plane. (1. Hervey, M. UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere. Sydney. Horwitz. p121. 2. UFO Research Far North Queensland.)

113 Jul/Aug 1968 Cairns QLD Photo

"North Queensland radio station 4K2 announced that an airliner flying from Cairns to Iron Range had been paced by a UFO. It was photographed by means of a movie camera." (UFOSH p121.)

122 14 Jan 1969 Childers QLD CE3 0430hrs Vas

Awoken by the frenzied barking of their dog, a migrant family heard a noise like a big swarm of wasps. Going outside their caravan they saw a 25m "sombrero hat" shape giving off a violent glow. Three "men" descended in a tiny craft similar in shape to the large one. These men seemed to be three times the size of a normal human being. They gave off a violet-yellowish glow, as they collected plants and sugar cane which were sucked up into the large craft via transparent tube. After ten minutes the men re-entered their ship which took off. As it did so the hair on the family's heads and arms stood up. (1. "North Queensland Register" Jan 18 1969. 2. Adelaide "News" Jan 17 1969. 3. FSR 18/1/26.)

139 2 & 4 Mar 1969 Tully QLD Photo

A movie film was linked to a UFO detector and was triggered thus exposing the movie film. Subsequently the film was forwarded to Kodak for developing but was never seen again. (Stan Seers. UFORQLD.)

160 1970 Wortham Park Station QLD CE3 0300hrs

Two men were out camping at three in the morning and watched a light moving around. They flashed a spotlight on it, and it moved and came to rest 200m away only 13 or so metres above the ground. One man approached it to within thirty metres. It was described as 20m wide by 8m deep, with windows. Through the windows he said he could see a silhouette of a human form looking out. The man then retreated to his companion. (UFO Research Far North Queensland. (UFORFNQ.) QB87011)

165 23 May 1970 QLD NL

An aircraft captain reported what appeared to be a searchlight beam of great intensity, estimated to be in the Alice Springs area. The RAAF concluded it could have been a natural gas burn off. (RAAF annual sightings summary 1970.)

169 1971 Cairns QLD CE4

A young man was out looking for mushrooms and encountered an object on the ground. The humanoid occupants conversed with him and he was given a ride.. The young man found that after the contact, triangular blue marks appeared on his hand. (Bill Chalker.)

178 1-2 Aug 1971 Gladstone QLD CE4

A Finnish couple, Ben and Helen K. left Gladstone at about 11.35 p.m. and upon arrival in Rockhampton found that only forty minutes had passed on a trip which would normally have taken much longer. In addition to the rapid trip, they could not recall passing through intervening towns, although they did recall seeing an unusual green light at one stage. Their 1971 Valiant sedan was reportedly covered with a thin film of odourless oil, and unusual marks were noted on the car's bonnet. Attempts at hypnotising the couple were unsuccessful. (Chalker, Bill. (1984). "Australian Interrupted Journeys." UFO Research Australia Newsletter 5(2):14-23. Initially presented as part of a lecture at UFOCON four, Sydney, Oct 79 & published in the MUFON Journal Aug 1980.)

193 19 Jul 1972 Kuraby QLD CE3 0200hrs

A man out driving became aware of six objects on the side of the road, ahead of the car, which turned out to be six figures. They were a soft grey colour. One held up a hand, and its face was seen to be obscured by a sort of "affected" covering. After seeing the figure, and a large silvery object on the opposite side of the road, the man accelerated away. During the encounter he said he heard a noise like "p-doing, p-doing". (1. UFO Research Queensland. (UFORQLD.) 2. "Australian" Jul 22 1972. 3. Aerial Phenomenon Research Oorganisation. (APRO.) Bulletin Jul/Aug 1972.)

211 Mar 1973 Roma QLD ? (26:35, 148:47)

Circular marks appeared in a field of sugar drip. All the heads of grain were facing the same way. These marks coincided with UFO reports. ("The Roma Star" 20/3/73.)

249 4 Mar 1974 Esk QLD CE1 0000hrs

On her way to Ipswich, and having passed through Esk, a woman observed what seemed to be a brilliantly lit house or building. As she came closer she noted that the "house" had no roof. At the closest approach (200m) it was seen as an object shap[ed like two saucers, one inverted over the top of the other. There was a row of five to six tapered, recessed openings around its middle. Emanating from a rectangular opening at its left end was a fantastically bright shaft of light. The woman decided not to stop, so drove on. (UFORQLD.)

261 Late Jul 1974 Jandowae QLD ? (26:47, 151:06)

Strange markings were found on a property. There were eight holes scattered around in a 2m diameter depression. These holes were circular with a smooth hard packed surface and bent at 60 degrees away from the middle of the depression. Digging out revealed some holes went down 1.3m. (UFORQLD Contact 52 Jul/Aug 74.)

273 Jan/Feb 1975 Tully QLD Nests (17:56, 145:56)

Several nests were discovered near the site of the famous 1966 nests. A cane field area had apparently surface damage from a suspected "bouncing run" of an unobserved UFO. There were at least 2 other better nests discovered in another lagoon, one of which was about 9.1m in diameter. (Clair Noble. UFOIC.)

278 5 Mar 1975 Deception Bay QLD CE3

Two men were out fishing when a UFO reportedly appeared. One of the men said the same thing had happened to him some weeks previously and that a figure had been seen on that occasion. (UFORQLD.)

280 22 Mar 1975 Nebo Queensland CE2 2230hrs

A very unusual object was seen by several people in a gravel storage area. A loud bang was heard and their vehicle seemed to shake in response. They fled the scene. Unusual indentations consisting of three oval shaped areas were later discovered. The RAAF investigated the incident. (RAAF files. ACOSB. No 10. p22.)

281 4 Apr 1975 Cairns QLD NL

The tower asked an approaching pilot to look for a UFO to the north. A light was seen which mainly appeared stationary, but at times oscillated. (1. RAAF files. 2. Bill Chalker. (1982). UFO Research Australia Newsletter. 3(4):23.)

291 30 Aug 1975 QLD NL

Two crew members of a Neptune aircraft at 1000m reported seeing a group of three lights passing in front of them. They travelled horizontally at high speed. The pilot took evasive action to avoid a perceived collision. The observation lasted ten to fifteen seconds. (1. RAAF files. 2. Bill Chalker. (1982).UFORAN 3(4):23-24.)

320 Sep 1976 Cairns QLD DR (26:13, 145:34)

Two circular areas of damaged salt grass were located. One was 6-7m in diameter with a 1m wide outer ring. The grass was generally browning, grey or dead looking. (UFORFNQ.)

327 4 Nov 1976 Near Brisbane QLD NL 1900hrs

An Air Traffic Controller noticed a stationary light in the sky. The crew of an Electra aircraft then noted a light changing colour green to red to green again, appearing to move up and down. Another pilot saw a red and green object. Brisbane and Eagle Farm radar stations picked up stationary unidentified returns. (1. RAAF files. 2. Bill Chalker. (1982.) UFORAN 3(4):24.)

330 Feb 1977 Mt Garnet QLD DR (17:41, 145:07) Cummings

Following the sighting of what appeared to be a silver grey "shed" in a paddock narks were found. There was one large circle surrounded by 4 smaller oval shaped formations in grass. The main circle was 6.7-6.8m in diameter with an 80cm band of dead grass, and a centre of healthy vegetation. The 4 ovals joined the circle at 3,6,9,12 o'clock and were 2-3m in size. (UFORFNQ.)

340 22 Jun 1977 Bulloo River QLD CE3

Several beings were said to have descended from the sky in three slim cylinders, being seen by a prospector. The figures, both male and female, played games with lightning balls, dematerialised and materialised and told him they came from Begua. Both sexes appeared human though their skin was of a bluish colour. They stopped with him for two days before leaving in their vehicles. ("Psychic Australian" 3/2/4.)

346 10 Sep 1977 Goondiwindi QLD NL 0300hrs

A passenger and the pilot of a BPA Trilander flying between Cunnamulla and Brisbane saw what they thought was another aircraft approaching. However a check with Air Traffic Control revealed no traffic in the area. The pilot had to take evasive action as the unknown seemed on a collision course. The UFO passed low over the runway and then moved away to the south-west. They landed and while refuelling saw it hovering to the south-west. Passengers on the ground had sen the object pass soundlessly at low altitude over the runway. Half an hour later when they took off the object paced the plane for a while then was lost to sight in the south- east. (UFORFNQ.)

376 16 Jan 1979 Bramston Beach QLD CE2 2215hrs Martin

A Ms Martin, aged twenty six, was driving home from work when she saw what she thought was the Moon behind trees, but quickly realised the Moon was to her right. The object seen was Moon sized, round and a golden colour. It was stationary. The car headlights began blinking on and off, then went off completely. There were no effects to the engine, dashlights etc. After she was some distance past the object the lights came back on. An electrician checked the car but could find nothing wrong. The headlights became dimmer over the next two weeks. A loose earth wire was found and repaired, and the lights functioned perfectly. (UFO Research Far North Queensland. (UFORFNQ.))

378 9 Feb 1979 Liverpool Creek QLD CE2 2100hrs Hathaway

An elderly man was driving when he noticed a light which was sitting on the edge of the road ahead of him. When he got to within 10m of it there was a blinding flash. The vehicle's lights, dashlights, and engine ceased to function. After a few seconds the systems came back on by themselves, except for the engine which he restarted. (UFORFNQ. ACOSB. No20. p19.)

379 21 Feb 1979 Fernvale QLD CE1 2115hrs Beare

Two people were out driving when a bright white light attracted their attention. A bright flash from it illuminated the countryside. It approached the car, moved to about 30m in front, and zigzagged across the full width of the road. Finally it returned to the vehicle's right and paced it again. No noise was audible at any stage and it was described as "cigar shaped" and multicoloured. (UFORQLD.)

382 6 May 1979 Bribie Island QLD CE2 0030hrs

Two men and their wives were in a car with the women asleep in the back seat. Bright orange lights were sighted to their front. Coming over a rise in the road, the inside of the vehicle lit up and the hood of the car appeared a different colour. At the same time the alternator light came on, the instrument panel lights dimmed and the motor began chugging as if firing on only two pistons. Almost immediately, the group of lights left the ground in an upward direction at great velocity. The car then recovered. (UFORQLD.)

386 20 Oct 1979 Cairns QLD Photo 0805hrs

One photograph was taken showing what is apparently a long thin object with tail, flying above a harbour. The object was not seen at the time and appears to be a film fault. (UFORFNQ.)

388 Feb 1980 Cairns QLD FA (16:55, 145:46)

A flattened area of sugar cane was found. The standing cane was 3m high but the flattened cane lay in a spiral effect covering an area of about 150m in diameter. Only 20m away was another circle, 50m in diameter. ("Cairns Post" 28/2/80.)

389 11 Feb 1980 Malanda QLD FA (17:21, 145:36)

An area 60m long and varying between 5-9m of seed crop was found flattened. The crop was 1.3m tall and healthy, but lay at angles between 20-30 degrees, direction SSE to NNW. It was considered to be most probably unusual weather conditions which caused it. (UFORFNQ.)

390 23 Feb 1980 Caravonica QLD CE1 2230hrs Cipriani

Four people were dining together. One lady looked up and saw a pulsing glow and heard a pulsing sound. Her husband went outside and watched a stationary, bright, rectangular orange light. It was some two metres off the ground some 30m away. Estimated as 20 by 30cm in size, the light extinguished. (UFORFNQ. UFORAN 1/2/6. "Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies" 1/2/15 (ACUFOSJ). "Cairns Post" Feb 27 1980.)

397 3 Dec 1980 Murray Upper QLD CE2 Peel

Mr G Peel was travelling with another person in his car when he saw a light in the sky to their left rear. Suddenly the car engine and radio ceased to function, and the lights flickered. An unusual beeping sound came from his radio whilst the object was present. Finally the object left the area. (UFORFNQ.)

398 4 Mar 1981 Butchers Hill QLD Photo 2040hrs

Four clearly defined lights were seen, each moving independently over 30 degrees of arc, and were photographed. (UFORFNQ.)

404 1982 QLD CE4

A woman, in her late forties, recounts that during sleep she found herself in a spaceship. The entities present, both male and female, were all human looking. There were also a few other human being abductees, present also. She would not let the entities examine her as she was pregnant. The beings were apparently disturbed at having made a mistake saying they did not touch pregnant women. One being showed her how the baby would look when born, which the woman says was accurate. This was followed by a tour around the ship. Her next memory is of being back on Earth in the countryside. Suddenly she found herself in her bed. (UFORA90047. Bill Chalker.)

413 Ca. 1984 Harvey Creek QLD CE2 2030hrs

A huge light confronted two women travelling by car. The engine and lights of the car went out for no apparent reason. The light passed over the car, temporarily blinding the women. After a few seconds the vehicle's lights came back on by themselves. The engine of the car started the first time the ignition key was turned. (UFORFNQ.)

418 20 Oct 1986 Edmonton QLD CE2 2130hrs

Steering on a vehicle became a problem for a woman driving alone through cane fields. 400m later the dash and head lights faded to almost nothing. There was a buzzing sound and the engine lost power. A bright oval, blue-green, light became visible ahead to the right, apparently staying on a parallel course to her vehicle. 4km further on full power and lights were restored and the buzzing sound stopped. (UFORFNQ QB86002.)

421 20 Feb 1987 Tully QLD FSA (17:56, 145:560

5 circular areas appeared on the same property as the 1966 event. Again they were in a lagoon area, where the vegetation was a fast growing grass. The vegetation within the traces was flattened, matted and swirled clockwise. Size of the marks- arranged in an arc was 1 at 3m, 3 at 4.6m and 1 at 4.7m. (UFORFNQ.)

423 Jul 1987 Mareeba QLD DR (?)

A 4m diameter circle of flattened guinea grass 2m tall, was found. (UFORFNQ.)

439 16 Jun 1989 Yowah QLD CE1 0311hrs

Two brothers engaged in opal mining reported seeing a large disk shape plus six smaller ones. Both men were on their way to the toilet in the middle of the night when they saw a shadow of some object cast by moon light, passing over them. A large hat-like object, some four to five times the size of the Moon was visible. They went to wake up other people but on their return the objects had gone. (UFORQLD QA89015.)

447 1 Jan 1990 Malanda QLD NL 2050hrs

Five people saw a red oval light mass approach their house, then stop. At this point it was estimated as 200 m away, 450m up. Above this red mass was a smaller white light. Some thirty seconds later the object zoomed away and was over the horizon in five seconds. Two other independent groups of witnesses saw the object. (UFORFNQ QB90002.)

452 28 Jul 1990 Thornsland QLD CE1 2120hrs

While travelling home a woman and her three children sighted an unusual object hovering to their left. It was white and flashing red/green/yellow. She drove quite near it almost passing underneath. The object was a typical saucer shape with dome. (UFORQLD.)

461 Dec 1991 QLD Photo Early evening

A couple observed, and filmed on video for a number of minutes, a bright white light moving near a storm front. Bill Chalker has examined the video in detail. Aircraft and helicopters appear to be an unlikely explanation, but investigations are continuing. Another family nearby, witnesses classic ball lightning, inside a house, apparently on the same evening. (Bill Chalker/UFOIC.)

Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.

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